A total of 3 articles were found
Banbrytande termisk sensor för exakta detaljer
The sensor is the heart of a uncooled thermal imaging device. It absorbs the infrared radiation emitted by objects, causing changes in the resistance of heat-sensitive materials. A special integrated circuit (ASIC) amplifies these resistance changes through interconnected electrodes and converts it in...
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Elegans möter noggrannhet i integrerad LRF
Traditional integrated LRF solutions simply mount the LRF module on the outside of the objective lens, which can lead to misalignment between the laser beam and the thermal imaging system’s optical axis. For instance, when a hunter observes a target through the thermal imaging device, if the laser beam is misal...
Classification: Blog&News -
Okulär zoom: Branschledande oskärpa förstoring
In the thermal hunting industry, major manufacturers are continuously developing new technologies to meet the demand for clearer long-distance observation. One critical aspect is the ability to magnify targets, which is essential for long-range hunting and in complex, noise-filled environments. Nocpix’s lat...
Classification: Blog&News